It cost CHF 10, which is equivalent to around EUR 8.30. In Swiss terms, that's a bargain.
Weingut Wegeler, Riesling feinherb 2008, Mosel, Germany
Almost effervescent in appearance, but settling down after a few moments. Appley with satsuma hints. Mouthwatering and light on the palate. Certainly a wine for sipping outside on the patio, verandah, balcony, in the garden or - if you have none of these luxuries - with the window open. In any event, you need some of that lovely mild air on a sunny spring afternoon to enhance the experience.
The wine is like biting into a luscious Granny Smith. My one quibble is that it maybe lacks some precision. Yet it has perfect balance, so you can't say fairer than that.
My dear wife, for her part, also asked me to make a mental note along the lines of "this wine is yummy".
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